Tracey Tomlinson Logo And Tag Line

Maximise Your Energy, Master Your Intuition & Become The CEO of Your Life With Clarity & Confidence

Tracey Tomlinson Sitting Blue

The 7 Steps to Success Blueprint

How to have razor sharp clarity despite the chaos in life

Do you find yourself stressed, just wanting more harmony and fulfilment, but you’re not sure where to start?

I’m Tracey Tomlinson and for the past 11 years I have been creating breakthrough results, to creating extraordinary results.

I went from being busy and overworked to being free and fulfilled, with clarity on a whole new level. I work with entrepreneurs, leaders and aspiring leaders to help them remove blocks holding them back and master their personal energy so they can have more freedom and ease in every area of their life, creating breakthrough results in their life, in unheard of time frames.

I have worked in Corporate  across a range of industries spanning three decades.

With a proven track record of establishing successful relationships and leading teams that deliver, now I choose to help develop leaders to be the best they can be in all realms of their life.

Tracey Tomlinson
Tracey Tomlinson
Leadership Consultant | Speaker | Author

How To Work With Me


Keynote Topics I Speak On For Conferences

Why Choose Tracey Tomlinson?

Blown Away By The Experience
I was hesitant to commit at first to doing the Blockage Healing with Tracey as I'm generally not a spiritual person. However after now going through my Blockage Profile I've been blown away by the experience and insights I've now gained about myself. It was a very emotional session and one that I'm now very glad I've had done. Tracey is an incredible person, has definately opened my mind and helped kick off my journey of healing and greater life fulfillment. Thank you sincerely Tracey.
made a massive difference for me and my life
I recently had the absolute privilege of Tracey guiding me through the Awakening Life Blockage Session. It has made a massive difference for me and my life and opened up so many new and exciting conversations in my spiritual journey. I really would love for everyone that I know and love to have access to this experience and session that Tracey has provided for me.
Phillip Sidebottom JP
Site Manager
Just so you know Tracey, that was one of the most awakening and loving experiences I’ve ever had.
I feel more aware of myself and my journey in this world. It’s made me analyse my entire life and really go through each part of my life with a microscope asking…is this ALL that I want? Because I know I want more and now I’m pushing harder for that. Next week at my competition, I was looking at it as though I’m jumping off a cliff and expecting my guides and people to catch me as I fall. Just as I wrote this in my journal, next to the page number 111, I remembered Monique’s comment from the seminar telling me I have Eagle wings. The workshop changed my life 🙏🏽❤️


NOTE: Meesha then went on to win the world championships in Brazilian Jujitsu only weeks later and acknowledges the work she did with myself & the team as having a direct impact in her ability to achieve that result for herself.

Meesha Hall
I loved it so much, I immediately booked my daughter in
Tracey delivered an amazing and transformative blockage release session for me. As a personal development machine, I was so focussed on what I could explain and develop. My session with her took me in a completely different direction. It has explained a lot of things that I would not have been at the source of otherwise. I do feel healed and nourished by the process. I wouldn’t call myself a spiritual person and I got a lot from the session. I loved it so much, I immediately booked my daughter in. I highly recommend Tracey if, like me, you are looking to develop and understand yourself further, or you just want to give yourself a treat!
Anton Harrison-Kern
it was a game changer for me
Thankyou for this course, (the Business of Life Workshop) it was a game changer for me. I knew about intuition and was aware I was guided at times in my life but was not able to confidently understand and connect to that regularly. In this course I received clarity on my intuition and how to tap into that regularly for myself. I also learnt practices to keep my energy sharp and how I was allowing others’ energy to impact me. Learning these simple and effective techniques has built my confidence in having the career and relationships I have always wanted and opened the door to many more possibilities that I felt were out of my reach. Thank you!
Angela Bauer
What a wonderful stepping stone this course is into the nature of things
To discover what my gifts are and how they work in a particular order was exciting and gave insights into my being and how I function. To learn that I have a team of five angels was inspiring and comforting in that I now know that I am not alone on my journey on planet earth. Instead of asking friends and relatives for their opinions as I used to, asking my angels for guidance saves so much time. That’s because with trust you will find that they are always right!
Anne Carroll

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